Compare shipping rates across USPS, FedEx, and UPS instantly. Save money and time by finding the best shipping rates for your packages with our comprehensive comparison tool.
Compare rates from USPS, FedEx, and UPS simultaneously for the best deals.
Get instant, accurate shipping rates based on package details and locations.
View various service levels from ground to express shipping.
Calculate shipping costs based on weight, dimensions, and distance.
Optimize shipping costs and improve operational efficiency
Our tool provides real-time rate estimates directly from carrier APIs, ensuring high accuracy. However, final rates may vary based on actual package characteristics and special handling requirements.
Yes, our tool supports international shipping rate comparisons for select countries. Simply enter the destination country's postal code to get comparative international shipping rates.
Shipping rates are updated in real-time through direct integration with carrier APIs, reflecting current pricing including fuel surcharges and other variables.
Yes, our tool automatically calculates dimensional weight when you input package dimensions, helping you determine which weight (actual or dimensional) will be used for rating.