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Amazon Category Profitability Analyzer

Analyze and compare profitability across different Amazon categories. Calculate margins, ROI, and key performance metrics to make data-driven decisions about category expansion.

Key Features

Cost Analysis

Track all costs including COGS, shipping, FBA fees, and PPC spend.

Margin Optimization

Calculate and optimize profit margins across categories.

ROI Comparison

Compare return on investment across different categories.

Performance Metrics

Track key performance indicators by category.

Use Cases

For Category Expansion

Evaluate new category opportunities

  • Compare category profitability
  • Analyze cost structures
  • Project potential returns
  • Assess market viability
Frequently Asked Questions

What metrics are analyzed?

The analyzer tracks profit margins, ROI, return rates, FBA fees, PPC costs, and other key metrics specific to each category.

How accurate are the calculations?

Calculations are based on real Amazon fee structures and your input data. Accuracy depends on the quality of your cost and sales data.

Can I compare multiple categories?

Yes, you can analyze and compare multiple categories simultaneously to identify the most profitable opportunities.

How often should I analyze category performance?

We recommend monthly analysis of category performance, with more frequent monitoring during peak seasons or major market changes.

Who Is This Tool For?
Amazon Sellers
Category Managers
E-commerce Directors
Product Managers
Business Analysts
Portfolio Managers